Yuki is this a zombie
Yuki is this a zombie

yuki is this a zombie

Secre Swallowtail/Nero from Black Clover is almost always calm and apathetic, rarely emoting and contrasting her with the more expressive Asta.She appears to be a specialist at playing monotonous and emotionless girl characters and gets typecast as such. Eve from Black Cat and pretty much any character dubbed by Brina Palencia.Ran-Mao from Black Butler is Lau's bodyguard and shows little-to-no emotion.

yuki is this a zombie

Sometimes her actions suggest she's far more emotive than she lets on but holds back because it annoys/unnerves Roger. On at least one occasion, she expresses relief on never being programmed with emotions, although arguably she didn't need to be - she demonstrates disgust, loyalty, nostalgia, and numerous other emotions, just not at what a human would call full intensity. Lacking empathy, Griffith shows no emotion, sans a soft smile that is meant to be more unsettling than endearing.

  • Reincarnated Griffith from Berserk is a Rare Male example.
  • Add to this his phenomenal analytical ability and intelligence and you've got a very tough match-up. He was rendered incapable of emotion when he was brain-damaged at the age of six (since birth in the original novel) and is described in-story as a sociopath.
  • Kazuo Kiriyama from the Battle Royale manga is an Emotionless Boy.
  • She really is emotional, but has issues with showing her emotions.
  • Mikasa cares about others, but usually acts aloof.
  • When Armin (correctly) suggests that she's the female Titan, however, she smiles, and it is rather unsettling, to say the least. It's not that she lacks emotions, it's just that she doesn't care about the world around her. She has emotions, but she rarely shows them.

    yuki is this a zombie

    She's quiet, and impassive seeming even when dishing out violence or receiving grievous injury. Kanade Tachibana, the titular Angel of Angel Beats! is, at least on the surface, an example of this.He failed, though she does eventually become a much happier person. Are All She Says: Tanaka used to be unable to smile, to the point that one of her friends made a bet with another that he could get her to laugh or cry before middle school graduation.

    Yuki is this a zombie